

giant mountain bike的相關標籤

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玩了兩個星期,收集完了game裡面所有的衣服裝備,劍,刀,錘子,盾,弓箭,箭,馬,馬的裝備,摩哆車,打完了84個小王,拿了打王的3個榮譽獎,打開完120個神廟,也打開了DLC的另外12個神廟,收集了所有900顆korok豆,拿了金大便獎項,找到了所有的馬(Epona,巨馬,神馬)也買了所有特別收集的馬裝備,得到了Link的摩哆車,有完Kilton所有怪物裝備,upgrade完所有服裝裝備到頂點,可以想到的,找到的,玩到的,都做完了!謝謝表弟和黑哥 辛苦你們陪姐姐完夢 🥰 也謝謝表妹和妹妹的陪伴。我們終於完完全全玩完這個遊戲 The Legend Of Zelda - Breath Of The Wild + DLC extras *感動 開心開心 Finally after two weeks of gaming, my cousin @lowjiantee , my husband @kh3n_chua and me had completed ALL the quests, ALL the side quests, collected ALL the medals, collected ALL the 900 Korok Seeds, all the 120 Shrines plus extra 12 DLC shrines, completed the collections of ALL clothings (upgraded all collections to their MAX) and collected all the special weapons and bows & arrows and shields, all the horses (Epona, The Giant Horse, Lord Of The Mountain), got all the different horse saddles & bridles collections, got the Master Cycle Zero Bike for Link, got EVERYTHING from Kilton’s Monster Shop, and also got ALL the collectable items, quests and shrines and medlas in the extra DLC and thus completed 100% of the game YAY ! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HAPPY GIRLLLLL
